BrightSoft Technologies

IDConfirm 1000

    Technical Specifications:

  • One-Time Password (OTP) credentials protection strong authentication solution for Mobile workers who want to access to their enterprise resources: VPNs, mail, web pages, etc.
  • Multiple Authentication devices (hardware, software) which allow adapted security solution choice
  • Easy user adoption (easy to use)
  • Simple Management and Scalable for customer performance needs (from 1 user to 100K+)
  • Easy installation for standard configuration (less than 20 min) and integration in existing IT configuration
  • OTP high-end devices offer additional authentication methods (PKI, biometric)
  • Channel-friendly: packaging, provisioning, purchase and license generation
  • IDConfirm 1000 OTP Windows logon option: Strong Authentication OTP Solution for Microsoft® DirectAccess


  • Authentication methods:
  • IDConfirm 1000 uses the following methods for main authentication:
    - OATH HOTP, TOTP (Event based, Time based)
    - SMS OTP
    - EMV CAP (OTP, challenge-response, transaction data signature).
  • Architecture:
  • IDConfirm 1000 is a Web application relying on the following Web servers:
    - Apache Tomcat on Windows and Linux,
    - Web Sphere on AIX
    - Any other Web server could be supported through a specific validation.

    The chosen architecture allow "High Availability" and "Fail-Over" configuration relying on operating systems, databases and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Databases:
  • IDConfirm 1000 stores OTP related data and User data if needed (DB mode) in:
    - Firebird
    - MySQL
    - MS SQL
    - Oracle
    - IBM DB2 (Windows or AIX)
    - Any other SQL database could be supported through a specific development
  • User Repository:
  • IDConfirm 1000can be connected to the following LDAP when Users account are managed externally (Mixed mode):
    - Microsoft Active Directory,
    - Novell eDirectory,
    - Sun One,
    - Open LDAP,
    - Any other LDAP could be supported through a specific development.
  • Authentication Services interface:
  • Authentication services are integrated using the following interfaces:
    - HTTP or HTTPS requests,
    - XML requests sent to Web API,
    - RADIUS requests through IDConfirm 1000 RADIUS agents for
    * Microsoft IAS or NPS (Windows Server 2008),
    * Juniper Steel Belted RADIUS,
    * FreeRADIUS
    - Proprietary request through IDConfirm 1000 Application agents for
    * Citrix Web Interface,
    * Microsoft OWA,
    * Microsoft ISA
    * Microsoft IAG
  • Security Modules:
  • The following security modules can be connected to the server:
    - nShield or payShield from NCipher,
    - Crypt2Pay from Bull - Support OATH and EMV-CAP,
    - Java Key Store software module,
    - Any other HSM could be supported through a specific development.